Military Families » Military Families

Military Families

Welcome to Southwest High School

Thank you for visiting our Military Families page. I would like to tell you a bit about myself and how I support military families. 


My name is Ms. Bulmer and I'm the school social worker for 9th and 11th grade students at Southwest High School. As a social worker, I work with students of various backgrounds, including military-connected students. Our role is to help them transition to our campus as seamlessly as possible by working with a buddy system we currently have in place. Your student will have another student assigned to them who will check in with them every day for the first week of school. We have created a form that will help us learn more about your student so we may match them with a student with common interests. This buddy will show them the different areas around campus and introduce them to teachers in their areas of interest: arts, sports, clubs, etc. Click Here for the form.   


We are happy you are considering our campus as your child's new school and we hope to see you here! Please don't hesitate to reach out to our campus if you have any questions. 


Ms. Bulmer

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: 210-622-4500 ext. 4112



Hello, my name is Mrs. Rose and I’ll be the Social Worker for 10th and 12th grade for the 2024-2025 school year. In my role as a Social Worker I assist students with all backgrounds and various needs. I’m here to help ensure a smooth transition and provide any assistance when any barriers may arise. As an Army Veteran I'm honored to also be one of the campus-based military liaisons. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. 

Mrs. Rose

Email: [email protected]

Ext: 210-622-4500 ext. 2025




For more information please Click Here to visit our SWISD military families district page.