SWISD Libraries Vision, Mission & Goals
Southwest ISD libraries are essential interactive, collaborative learning environments, ever evolving to provide equitable physical and virtual access to ideas, information, and learning tools for the entire school community.
The mission of Southwest ISD Libraries is to empower students to become life-long learners and productive citizens in a dynamic, global society by providing quality learning experiences that develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities for continued success.
To provide:
Diverse resources and equipment appropriate for use by individuals as well as classes in the grade level served.
Organization and maintenance of materials and equipment which facilitates optimum use.
Working areas and an environment which are well maintained, well organized and conductive to both learning and enjoyment while using the library resources.
Management of the facility and activities that allows flexible access based on patron input and needs assessments.
Instruction which promotes a lifelong interest in reading for pleasure and information.
Support for district curriculum and instructional initiatives.